The penultimate week of the first year 4 term has been another great one! Christmas twists on activities have started to creep in as well as the main filming for our Roman v Celts battle.
Our mathematical focus has switched to geometry this week, looking closely at what area is and how to measure it. The students have been been comparing the areas of shapes and creating their own Christmas themed shapes with specific areas! In writing, we have carried on our topic of instruction writing. We have written a set of instructions for making tortilla pizzas, linking to the practical roman cooking session we had last week. It has been great to break down the structures of writing instructions, including a gripping opening question to engage the reader, the importance of imperative verbs and adverbs, and how to add important and specific detail.
The time finally came for the Roman v Celt battle! Over the course of the week, the children filmed many different scenes linking to the Roman invasion of Britannia. The Romans showed great organisation in their legions and fought well and tactically against the barbaric, unorganised Celts. Next week, the children will be putting together their own film that captures the story of the Roman invasion, using the clips that we filmed this week. With the filming over, make sure you make space for your new Roman shields that will be coming home.