With the Ice finally melting (inside and outside the classroom), it has been good to get back into normal routines this week in 4DA!
We have continued to look at speech writing in our writing lessons, focussing on what goes into a successful speech and what techniques may be successful in convincing and motivating a crowd of people! Geography took us on a trip to the coast as we looked more closely at the effects of climate change and global warming. The students looked closer at the rise in sea levels and why it is happening. We set up a class experiment which mimicked the effects of climate change and plotted our findings on a line graph throughout the day. We can all agree that global warming is a danger to a lot of people and something needs to happen to reduce our greenhouse gas admissions!
A exciting chapter of the week saw Isaac head to West Yorkshire’s Poet laureate competition. Isaac had entered the competition by sending a poem that he had written to the national literacy trust. With over 100 applicants in the year 4 category, Isaac was shortlisted with 5 other poets and was invited to a day at the Bradford City Library. Here, he worked with professional poets throughout the day and performed his poem in front of the judges. We wish Isaac good luck and have our fingers crossed that he makes it through to the final round of the competition!
Have a good weekend.. and next week.. Art!